Happy 20th Birthday. You have no idea how much you have blessed me in the past two years. When I met you, I had no idea what true friendship looked like. I was so wrapped up in myself and I had never experienced real friendship. Thank you for showing me what a true friend is, you've changed my life forever. I've never known anyone as caring as you are, no one not even my own biological sisters have shown me the kind of love that you have. The first time that this fact hit me was when we were sitting up late in the laundry room of beloved Bell Hall and I started crying and venting everything out to you. I wasn't sure how you would react....when I looked over, you were crying too. I realized right then and there that you were unlike any friend I've ever had. When I hurt you hurt, when I need to talk you're always there waiting, if I'm having the a bad day all you have to do is say "I love you, Santa" and my day instantly gets better. You've carried me and supported me through the best and the worst times. Thank you for all you've done and will do. Thank you for putting up with my lack of direction, annoying phrases "listen", my snappiness when I'm tired, my lateness, my horrible driving, my never ending talk of poop!, my nagging, and my constant singing! You are the only one who I would want to be dancing with at 2am in a dorm room:)
I love you so much Bran, Santa, Jr, media naranja, sister, and best friend.
Here's to you beautiful,
p.s.-for those who don't know, I threw Bran a surprise party for her 20th bday, heres how the night went down:
So Bran just thought it was gonna be her and I out to Jalisco's for dinner, little did she know about 20 of her friends were waiting around the corner for her:) Her reaction was priceless!
Of course the authentic Mexican food was sooo Good!! although our stomachs paid for it later:/
Probably the best moment of the night, for everyone else but Bran, the waitress decided to decorate her face with whip cream and stick a cherry in her mouth! Needless to say, it was a tad awkward! Afterwords all Bran could say was "What just happened?!?"
For her Bran I planned for her favorite acapella group, EXIT 245 to come and sing personally for her:) She had no idea and was soo shocked! She told me later that she had had no idea that acapella groups even did private events like parties:) It was amazing
After the party, we headed back to our room for some gluten-free brownies which were soo GOOD and we sung to Bran for the third time that night! Also, she got her last gift from me at 1200am, she's been wanting that picture for a good 5 months now!
She was totally wiped out, I later preceeded to cover her in a blanket and she was still only under the blanket this morning!
I love you so much Bran, I'm so glad I could make your birthday memorable!