Hola mis amigas, Como estas?
I've been drilling Spanish into my head for the past four days!! Today I finally had my Oral Presentation, thank goodness it's over! My topic: Los Alimentos de Costa Rica aka The Foods of Costa Rica.
I was terrifed to do this presentation because although many say I'm extremely outgoing-I HATE public speaking! Even though Spanish is extremely intimidating, I'm thankful that I'm taking the class, I love learning about other countries differences and the Spanish language just sounds so cool. My one weakness though-I can not roll my tounge! Many have tried to teach me but my tounge just doesn't move, I can't even fold it inwards! So frustrating.
So this week I've been faced with a tough situation: One of my closest friends is upset with me and although I apologized, things don't seem to be getting better. I feel awful and I just want it to be fixed, I know it'll take time but patience is one virtue I'm still working on. At this very moment I'm listening to the one song that pertains exactly to this situation, it's kinda been this weeks theme:
Get it Right
By Lea Michelle/Rachel Berry
What can you do when your good isn't good enough
And all that you touch tumbles down
Cause my best intentions keep making a mess of things
I just wanna fix it somehow
But how many times will it take,
oh how many times will it take for me
To Get it Right
On a brighter note: The SAO Retreat is tomorrow!!! I'm so excited to spend the entire weekend away with all of my beautiful sisters:) We're going to Lake Anna and even though it's gonna be like 45 degrees, Bran and I are still gonna jump into the freezing cold lake!
Random but I love this song, it was last weeks big thing but I'm listening to it at least once a day:
P.s-this how Bran and I danced to this song, random yes, crazy&fun double yes! Thanks alana for giving us another song add to our collection of dance study break songs:)
Hannah Harrison