Thursday, February 16, 2012



So all day I've been having a horrible case of summeritis. The weather was amazing today but it made me long for those lazy summer days where all you do is lay on the beach with your ipod or driving around with your sunroof down and your favorite song blaring....It was bad!

I spent the day procrastinating and wishing that spring break would hurry up already! I know it's awful to wish my life away like this but I just miss home and sunshine!

I had lunch with the lovely Erin today-Green's as usual. I love that crazy girl:) I stopped by TDU to get a little studying done before my Spanish test-which the studying part really didn't happen because Taylor  gave me the distraction I needed to procrastinate further! So i finished up my test and then went back to TDU to find Taylor, Jenn, and Brittany there semi-studying. I walked with Brittany to get some canned food for the food pantry and then finished typing out some things I needed for my NSG projects. 

I had dinner with Jess tonight at Market One, that girl is so funny. And then I sadly had to depart to go to meet with my group to record this presentation and it took FOREVER! I mean literally we were working on it for four hours-not joking....

I walked home and got in some singing & walking on the railroad time(I love doing this). I was excited to find a huge package from my MOMMY for me. It had all sorts of things inside, from reeses to chapstick:) I love my Mom so much and this package made me miss her so much more than I already had been:( I called her to Thank her for the package and then decided to do some homework. Well after I got bored with that I told Jenn to get on skype and we skyped for an hour and half. It's funny that we had just seen each other only 5 hours before and we still had so much to talk about. She makes me smile, dancing around to adele and singing to her on skype was probs the highlight of my night! I've also decided that during Spring Break, I'm going up to stay with Jenn for two nights!! I'm so excited, I haven't been to NYC since I was 13 and I can't wait to tour the city with Jenn. We were planning it all out and now I really have Springbreakitis cause I'm that much more excited<3

I love my MOM<3


hahaha...typical "productive" day in TDU



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