Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Hello All:)

Woke up for classes today, went to my first two and decided that I'd rather stay in TDU and hang out with people then go to Medical Spanish class, so that's what happened. Yep, I'm a pretty bad Medical Spanish student but honestly, I can teach myself the material better than my teacher-seriously....

So while in TDU I had a bonding/deep chat and got to catch up with a bunch of people! I was joined by Jenn,Nancy, Steph D, Nicole, Brittany, Kirsten, Ginger, and Jess. I kinda crashed the PR committees meeting, upon their request of course, it was fun to work on that committee again, I thought I'd never miss it-wrong! 

Monday's are Rachel and My Big/Little dinner date nights so I headed off to Top Dog (our usually spot) for some bonding time with her. We of course talked about the Hunger Games again-she just finished the series today, exactly an hour before we met, so we analyzed the books a bit. I have to admit that I'll never get sick of talking about them-it's sick but at least I know that I'm obsessed. We were joined by Brittany a little later-I love this girls stories, shes so animated:)

I went to the Library and made V-Day cards for some soldiers and found this amazing verse that to me sums up the Perfect Valentine:

38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

I closed out the night with our weekly exec. meeting, we prayed over all the prayer requests of our beloved sisters. I absolutely love doing this, it allows me to feel more connected to them and more in tune with the Lord. Court, Bran, and I tuned into the last hour of the bachelor and I started Baking Chocolate Chip COOKIES! I haven't baked in so long, I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. We watched SMASH and currently, we're finishing up the new episode of The Voice. I love the banter between the judges-it's what makes the show.

The cookies turned out delicious and I believe that I've eaten about four already:/ Guilty Pleasure anyone? 

Explanation: this was actually taken yesterday but Bran's legs look like the little mermaid:)

This one was for taylor...yup one of her obsessions aka her Future Hubby and he was on my Breakfast-go figure

The joy that is TDU

Loved that this was a coffee called "Blonde" so had to snap a pic of it:)


Valentine's spatula<3

I thought this looked awesome, its the cookies inside the oven

Happy Official Valentine's Day everyone!

So Long and Farewell, 

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